If you are suffering, this is honestly one of the easiest methods for someone suffering with lyme to treat. Two puffs after each meal for up to 8 puffs a day. Going to try energy spray and metabo sprays next.
The website claims are extraordinary, but the evidence supporting the glutathione supplement's efficacy involves blood work on two patients. For me it is strong, i am 102 lbs so the 6 sprays ends up raising my blood pressure and making me feel dizzy. ... Read More
Organic ashwaghanda calm jangled nerves and relax. I drink a cup a day with turmeric, lemon and ginger.
The powder mixes poorly with liquids and other foods like yogurt or cottage cheese. Even when mixed with yogurt and cottage cheese the taste smashes its way through.
The expiration date on the bag says 7/1/2020. It is about 1 year expired. No positive outcome like stated or advertised.