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Customers report significant improvement in their overall energy levels and feeling healthier after taking this desiccated beef liver supplement regularly. Some users also mention clearer skin as a positive effect.
Taste Preference
Customers have generally positive opinions about the taste preference of the liver capsules, with some expressing relief that they can consume the nutrient-dense food without having to endure its natural taste. Others appreciate the easy swallowing and absence of aftertaste. However, a few customers noted that the capsules are brown in color.
Stomach Tolerance
Customers have generally positive opinions about the stomach tolerance of the product with many reporting improved energy levels and better recovery after workouts, as well as relief from liver conditions and anemia. However, a small group of customers express concerns that the product may contain rice flour instead of pure beef liver.
After allowing time for it to build up, it being a natural supplement and takes time, i've noticed a definite improvement in how i feel.
Within two weeks of getting on the liver again i felt great and the time between sets was improving and now i feel fantastic wi... Read More
Heme iron doesn't build up in the body like non-heme iron, which most products use non-heme iron.
Defatted liver is free of preformed retinol.
I believe this product is very reasonably priced and provided the customer all health benefits of eating grass fed animals all in one pill.
A good product with great value for the price.
They are inexpensive and raise iron levels.
The prices is probably a bit more than if i were to just eat regular liver but i'll pay it for the convenience.
Swanson was not always a favorite in years before,but the company has come a long way from then.
I've tried others and they have no comparison to this one from swanson.
Save yourself some money, as this is just as effective as the more expensive name-brand!
- How are reviewers describing this item?
liver, iron, good, great and better. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 374 reviews as of our last analysis date on Sep 26 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
My protein levels fall often from donating plasma
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The flavor to me has a little after taste but not much
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Liver tastes weird so i take the pills
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
They are inexpensive and raise iron levels
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I think the univliver adds whey protein for a better amino acid profile
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
And and these are no delete it okay so after you eat these pills your poop might turn green and then you fart you smell really bad
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
And if you eat and if you eat these poop when you eat beef itll turn your beef into liver you really loves it
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Helloi would recommend any swanson vitamins
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