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Pros & Cons
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Health Benefits
Customers express their satisfaction with the health benefits of the raw Manuka honey, citing its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Some share their personal experiences of using it for wound healing and improving skin conditions. A few customers appreciate its organic nature and affordability while some mention its taste and use in beverages or raw consumption. However, a small group of customers express concerns about the product being a blend instead of 100% Manuka honey.
Flavor Profile
Customers generally enjoy the flavor profile of the Manuka Honey, describing it as smooth, thick, and sweet with a nice texture. However, some customers have noted that the honey doesn't have as strong a Manuka taste or thickness compared to other brands, and a few question its authenticity as monofloral Manuka Honey.

Best honey you can buy, almost like the bees made it out of butter and sugar.
If you look up manuka honey, you know that it has proven anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial qualities and can be used externa... Read More
This particular manuka honey barely qualifies as a monofloral, and the medical impact would be minimal at bet.
- for best results you would want a monofloral honey which means the bees collect this from only one kind of flower.
I little expensive for a small jar but great taste.
My shopping is donating to my favorite charity, canine companions for independence (cci) at no cost to me.
, i can't justify the price point for those purposes.
This is the honey to serve with food if you like the manuka flavor but don’t want to spend the money on 100% manuka.
Better than what i expected, delicious, beautiful color, smooth texture, fast delivery and perfectly packaged.
The labeling on the package is very clear, and this honey is only rated 70+ mgo and it doesn't have a umf rating.
I have tried several brands of manuka honey.
The other kind is multifloral which means bees make the honey from manuka + other flower nectars and they are slightly less potent.
Nz to learn more & see the full listing of certified manuka honey brands.
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honey, good, new, great and best. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is high deception involved.
- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 34.0% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 340 reviews as of our last analysis date on Nov 30 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The labeling on the package is very clear and this honey is only rated 70 mgo and it doesnt have a umf rating
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
To be considered potent enough to be therapeutic manuka honey needs a minimum rating of 10 umf
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I didnt mind the plastic jar
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
While i generally prefer glass all other things being equal this product is coming from new zealand
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Id rather have intact honey in a plastic jar than deal with another ruined package with broken glass inside
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
There is an organic honey i purchase from the us which has various types depending on the state and can be quite erratic
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The purchase is normally a bit more and i find with it unlike manuka honey there is often an issue with the pain of crystallization
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This honey isnt as thick as other manuka varieties ive had and by itself doesnt pack as much strength within it but i have found it perfect on waffles ice cream and at one point a dip with black currant tea
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