Pros & Cons
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Personal Growth
Customers have had transformative experiences with the personal growth practices outlined in the book, finding inspiration and insight to lead more positive and fulfilling lives. They emphasize the importance of individual initiative and self-practice on their unique journeys towards personal growth.
Eastern Wisdom
Customers are highly enthusiastic about the Eastern wisdom presented in the product, emphasizing its significance in various practices such as meditation, martial arts, and spirituality. They appreciate the concept of balancing physical and spiritual energies, feminine and masculine aspects, and the importance of being grounded while connected to higher consciousness.

The synergy of such balance leads to quality energy, enhanced abilities, including increased awareness.
Worldlings, the fools and the fooling, would have you believe there is only the tangible and mechanical, but metaphysical energ... Read More
The 108 steps offers insight, inspiration, assistance and specific practices, but you have to practice yourself and take your o... Read More
The 24 sided, 8 pointed merkaba or stellated octahedron is made up of two tetrahedrons (four sided pyramids) spinning in harmon... Read More
55 for the paperback if you have prime.
The geometric merkaba might be similar to, or the source of the amorphous aura.
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many, meditative, own, such and indigo. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
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- Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 33 reviews as of our last analysis date on Nov 3 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
If you have kindle the book is 34free
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Less theory on how to meditate more practical advice on ways to live your life that has worked for him
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Zone is the very easy yet very hard to be in
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
In hebrew merkaba has come to mean chariot or vehicle
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The merkaba represents the element fire
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The other platonic solids represent the other theorized elements of air water earth and ethereal
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Many have sought to experience visionary energy like ezekiel while others have tried to suppress interest in meditation and the energy of the merkaba by maintaining meditative energy is negative in some way or that intangible energy is somehow a crock
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