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Pros & Cons
This collection spans from approximately 1908 through 1980. Enjoy the sight-readable arrangements in the book. Easy to turn pages and lays flat on the rack.
This book has a ton of songs in it and was well worth the price i paid. This book is essential for all piano players. While nothing can ease the pain of having your whole house and everything in it wash away in a thirty foot wall of water, this book h... Read More
They include chord symbols, so you can rearrange the songs. There are a lot of fill in notes in the songs, which can seem superfluous. Nice songs, good arrangement.
Original intros and lyrics are nice but anyone who buys this needs to be an experienced player. This is in no way and easy book.
It is the quality i have come to trust with hal leonard publications.
The feedback i received was that the book is just what was wanted: an eclectic collection with the words, score and guitar chords.
The top staff is the primary melody line and you play it with the bass.
But i like getting a medium difficulty book, with the chords, just to speed up the process.
This book has a ton of songs in it and was well worth the price i paid.
This book is mostly full of broadway musical songs, as well as some more classical peices as well.
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composed, piano, great, easy and most. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 210 reviews as of our last analysis date on Sep 19 2022.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I really wanted the earlier songs and had almost given up
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
There was a problem initially in that i only received half of the book that was ordered
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
However it seemed to be an honest mistake on the sellers part book had been divided into two spiralbound parts due to original large volume non spiralbound
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
There is one song called tammy i recognized it right away it was played in the movie animal house on the piano during the omega rush party scene
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
She told me she had a tumor in her stomach the size of a baseball
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
And i can remember that song going through my head over and over again
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
She died at 44 six months later
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Some look kind of easy and are probably better for someone like me who is capable of improvising
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