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Pros & Cons
This book is an excellent guide for mental resilience! As someone who teaches conscious hypnosis i highly recommend the empowered principles from steve.
World class performers are charismatic conversationalists. Professional performers gravitate toward things that create a sense of satisfaction in and of themselves. World-class leaders are chameleons who are able to change and adapt to any situation. ... Read More
Great coaching is helping people discover what they already know. Champions concentrate on the attainment of a singular purpose.
The pros revere and respect the past, but place responsibility for the future squarely on their own shoulders. Their sense of purpose and dogged persistence is a hard combination to beat. Their curiosity accelerates their growth through lessons learne... Read More
He claims that world class should claim responsibility for the actions of their less-conscious counterparts. By saying that one group is responsible for another group actually dehumanizes them. He instead operates exclusivity and elitism.
Great quality book and great quality content!
The product arrived sooner than i was expecting and it is in great condition.
Leadership is bringing out the best in people for the common good of the organization, and placing the credit where it honestly... Read More
when they win, they love to share the credit with the team, and when they lose, they assume 100 % responsibility.
The real cost is not the mistake itself, but in the lack of reporting and recording the mistake so it could be avoided in the future.
The great ones are always looking for that one little adjustment, strategy, distinction or technique that will give them an edg... Read More
While average people see champions as more intelligent, the champions know better.
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great, world-class, daily, average and mental. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has determined that the review content quality is high and informative.
- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 1,118 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jul 3 2022.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Reading a book is great but without implementation or action it defeats the purpose
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The 177 principles presented are not only thoughtprovoking but give specific steps on how to implement clear behavioral change to improve your life
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Bc thats how i would rate it
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The middle class is problem oriented — the world class is solution oriented
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The middle class is boastful — the world class is humble
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The truth is that intelligence plays a small part
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The world class guided by their spiritbased consciousness will only proceed toward their visions if their actions are fair to all parties concerned
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