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I had issues with the fingerprint reader however; no matter how hard i tried, i could not get it to work.
I then re-did the fingerprint scanning, and now the fingerprint works just as well as it did without the protector.
Very strange that when i installed it there was no typical contrast change by the air moving away as the glass comes together w... Read More
Better than the zagg ones i previously used.
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easy, good and cracked. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has determined that the review content quality is high and informative.
- Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 8,395 reviews as of our last analysis date on Nov 14 2021.
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Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I had issues with the fingerprint reader however no matter how hard i tried i could not get it to work
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
About a week later of just general use of the phone the air bubbles under the fingerprint part worked themselves up
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I should mention though that you can see a round circle where the fingerprint scanner is even when the phone is turned on
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It will pop off easily because the edges are not sticky enough to hold it on
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Had a glass screen protector installed at verizon store when i purchased by s21 ultra
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
After about a month it came off and broke which in itself was strange as ive had probably 1020 glass screen protectors on past phones
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This model has the same annoying fingerprint circle however it seems to actually work whereas the one that verizon put on never worked
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Very strange that when i installed it there was no typical contrast change by the air moving away as the glass comes together with the screen glass it just went on perfectly without any bubbles whatsoever
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