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Pros & Cons
I like how sturdy and durable it is. Well constructed, sturdy feel, seems like it will stand the test of time.
This one is chocked full of them. Every elementary teacher needs this for his/her thanksgiving bulletin board. It has lots of feathers so i can use year after year! Great for little hands.
The rosewood is semi glossy, and is very classic, with brass fittings. Keeps my speaker from getting scratched and it's pink! Protectors device well.
A corkscrew is a great way to open a bottle of wine. It has a groove to make it easier to insert and grip the cork. The part that rests on the lip of the bottle is actually spring loaded, which is not seen on other openers.
They loved it - great quality & can't beat the price.
It does exactly what it should and provides a pleasing aesthetic value with the wood (feels like real wood) handle.
This did not work for the intended application, but is a well-made product at a great price, that will work for *different* app... Read More
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great, good, enough, little and nice. - Our AI detects a high amount of irrelevant reviews for this listing. A number of the reviews included in this product may belong to other variations, editions or versions that may not be representative of the current product being sold.
- Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 76.
- Previous analysis of this listing was an F grade.
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- This product had a total of 95 reviews as of our last analysis date on May 26 2023.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
When i bought it i was hoping that 10 fstops would be enough for photographing the sun during an eclipse
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
But this did not reduce enough light and even with this filter and my camera at an f22 and 14000 shutter speed the sun was still overexposed
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Very tough to put on so god help me if i ever have to take it off
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
You get what you see in the picture
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I got three but i’ve always been using the bright green one so i am specific reviewing that one the other two look and feel very similar except the color
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
However a few things to point out it claims itself applestore i doubt about it
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It’s also collects dust easily
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
These are the kind of openers you see the restaurant sommelier use they pull it out of the apron and make a show of opening the corkscrew and then carefully pulling the foil and opening the bottle
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