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Pros & Cons
They are very stretchy and sturdy (and washable). They are easy to don and doff. I'm surprised by the soft and smoothness they become again.
They are very soft and very flexible and blend in a little better than bandaids. They protect the skin from water and they're very comfortable, providing you use the correct size. They allow for full dexterity. They also help to keepbandaids dry under... Read More
These finger cots are thicker than the throwaway kind. They sell you a pack of 20 & it seems like a lot but you need that many because they do tear with lots of use.
These finger protectors are perfect. These are awesome. Thanks kirk b.
Wearing them several days in a row while showering helped my long-term, unhealing cuts heal for once. The pain almost immediately disappears.
These gel finger protectors are absolutely horrible. Tried wearing in the daytime & couldn’t do anything without readjusting them every few seconds. When trying to pick things up they shift and move so much that i just get frustrated and pull them... Read More
Great stretch and durability and retain their shape.
These finger covers helped protect the nail, fit nicely, and most importantly are waterproof.
Used fake nails and powder gel nails that helped protect but as soon as they came off nails split again.
I worry deeply about it having toxic materials because it comes from china and they just simply do not care.
But the price is modest enough it's not a big deal, cost wise.
These came somewhat flattened in a whole bunch of packages of 2 each.
I sure wish more of the thumb cots would come in the package.
Unlike cotton wraps and other options, these won't get soggy.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
great, dry, small, fit and comfortable. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 2,215 reviews as of our last analysis date on Dec 18 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I have a thumb that splits all the time
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Recently injured and eventually lost my ring finger nail
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
During the regrowth phase the nail is sensitive soft and needs to be kept clean
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Unlike cotton wraps and other options these wont get soggy
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
For a white guy the color blended in enough to not be super noticeable
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I am a size small but these things do cover a finger but come off easily when using hands for anything
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
But theyre also great in winter when my hands are dry and cracked
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I didnt need as many as came in this pack but i couldnt find anywhere that sold just a few
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