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Pros & Cons
All you need is a itty bitty of chalk for you to hit that 10lb dumbbell curl. Helps with grip in both gymnastics and weight training. Worked okay but not optimal for gymnastics.
It works fine, lasts a long time. This does the job because it comes in bulk sizing (this bag lasts me a while! This chalk works! Works as expected!
The loose gym chalk is really good to refill chalk bags. I create a chalk moat that protects the cat food. It comes in big chunks.
This chalk is super clumpy and barely sticks to you, so it's practically useless. It flakes off quickly and my hands get damp a lot quicker with this chalk.
For the type of product it is i think it is a great price for the amount you get.
Plenty of chalk for the price makes this product well worth it.
People complaining that the chaulk clumps up apparently have never used chalk very long, it happens, doesnt make it a bad product.
I am a beginner with wall climbing and the price pulled me in to this chalk.
Great for climbing and lifting, and the value isn’t bad.
Easy to grab one and rub on hands for nice coating.
Helps with grip in both gymnastics and weight training.
Seems to also be quite a bit less than in the pictures, but i can’t complain too much considering the low price.
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great, good, long and nice. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 1,348 reviews as of our last analysis date on May 23 2022.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
You have to break them up to get the powder form
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The ants cant cross it like tiny vampires
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
People complaining that the chaulk clumps up apparently have never used chalk very long it happens doesnt make it a bad product
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Great that u can choose how much you need nothing is wasted
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Pictures attached are after i already broke it up some
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