Pros & Cons
The characters are well-rounded and sympathetic, the writing style is pacey. Ar wise writing is both graphic and atmospheric.
Do yourself a favour and get stuck in the watcher's web! Had to but the other 2 books. Downloading part 2 now.
Alma is a teacher with a troubled past that haunts her. Alma believes it happened in widowsfield, on the same day the town was mysteriously abandoned, but can only remember fragments. The movement between timelines keeps you guessing and reveals the m... Read More

I loved alma and the way she struggles with how to deal with the situation is beautifully written.
I would like to know what happens with the series but in no real rush.
Read first book and had to but 2nd then 3rd.
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- This product had a total of 2,578 reviews as of our last analysis date on Feb 7 2023.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
As a big fan of horror in all forms i can be too critical of anything i pick up or watch before ive even started
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The storyline flicks constantly backwards and forwards i time across multiple locations but it quickly becomes evident why i really enjoyed the series
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
A bit confusing very sick but somehow compelling
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
A strange tale that slips in and out of time so much it bakes your head spin
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
But alma doesnt remember what happened to her in the town of widowsfield only that it was horrific
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The tension started from the beginning of the book but didnt seem to grow for me as the book progressed
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The characters were ok and fairly believable
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I would like to know what happens with the series but in no real rush
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