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Pros & Cons
Great price, 4 pack is extremely convenient. The price is great and the shipping speed is also. Can't beat the price too. Nothing fancy, does the job.
The blades are all inconsistent in width. After 10 uses the blade was worn to much to continue use.
These are a good weight and well balanced and had enough to go week after week making your yard look neat and tidy.
I have purchased these blades before and pleased with the quality.
These blades are basic steel square cut blades, not sharp edged blades.
Four chunks of sheet steel, right size and arbor.
The blades were a great price and easy to install.
As tough as one purchased at home depot at a fraction of cost.
Good for the price, but dont last too long,aube a two days max, depends how often you use them.
A good product sold at a good price.
I am glad to have found these on amazon and i got them in 2 or 3 days.
They arrived quickly and i am happy with their performance.
I couldn't find any edger blades where stihl equipment is sold due to problems with shipping or something.
The blades came as a three pack.
It does what it says it does and a way better price than lowe’s or home depot.
The edger blades are thicker than the ones that home depot sells (so they won't wear out as fast) and they are less expensive too.
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good, fit, great, quality and same. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there may be deception involved.
- Our engine has determined that the review content quality is low.
- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 73.8% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 1,378 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jul 20 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
They are durable and work hard to achieve that perfect edge which is a must on a beautifully manicured lawn
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Probably easy to make if you had the right tools
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The blades fit and arrived qui kly
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The blades came as a three pack
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
They are cheaper than big box store and do the same
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Anything fancy just grinds off anyway
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The length was fine the thickness it could have been a little thicker the thicker it is the longer it would last does not last very long
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The length and width of the blades was fine but i should have paid more attention to the center hole size
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