Very happy with the unit and recommend it.
We have found it quite useful for the rv fridge/freezer.
Digital display stalled it on my rv refrigerator one in the freezer one in the refrigerator also bought a little circulation fa... Read More
Amazon price is high but decided to buy anyway because the other source was out of stock and i did not want to wait.
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- This product had a total of 4,309 reviews as of our last analysis date on Dec 27 2021.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Before turning on alarms let it go 2448hrs to get the range highlow of your fridge figured out
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The default alarm ranges did not work for me but was easy to change them
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Product is used to monitor remotely the fridge and freezer temperatures in an rv refrigerator
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Set the temp alarms and wouldnt you know first week alarm went off early in the morning
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Room was 26 degrees c alarm woke me up and i went to check it out
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Walked in and it was so hot looked around and ac hose to window had came disconnected over night
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Scary thought if i didnt have this
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Suction cups dont stick in the freezer