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Pros & Cons
Moisturizing & feels good on skin. No fragrance is a bonus. Have only used for a few days, but can see the difference. Would recommend this lotion.
Just opened my third bottle in my 6th month and it works!
I have used this cream for over a year and love it.
I am almost finishing my first jar in less than a month, using strictly on my hands, no higher than my wrists.
I would not expect at my age to have no wrinkles at all, but there are two more i hope will soon be less deep.
I love this very much and wish i could afford the face cream.
The cost almost prevented me from buying this product, but i bought it anyway thinking i could afford the small jar, if it didn... Read More
I'm ordering another one but downside a bit pricey.
I wish that it wasn't so expensive so i could use it for my body not just my face.
Not your usual amazon next day deliverg.
Love the cream i especially see a difference in the crepy skin on my arms after one month use, i had radiation on my chest area... Read More
They aren't gone but they are incredibly better.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
small and gold. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 232 reviews as of our last analysis date on Nov 10 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I bought this item specifically for my hands
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Its not my imagination or the placebo effect
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Its pricey but i would definitely pay this again for the results i have seen and i intend to buy this in bulk to get a better price on the sellers website because i realize my hands will probably revert back to the crepey look if i discontinue use which is understandable
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Unfortunately the jar is small for using it on other parts of the body but you get what you pay for
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I wish i had taken before and after pics but i didnt expect much of a difference and i didnt think of it
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I am almost finishing my first jar in less than a month using strictly on my hands no higher than my wrists
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Love the cream i especially see a difference in the crepy skin on my arms after one month use i had radiation on my chest area so i havent seen a lot of change their but when it arrived and i took it out of packaging the jar was broken all over i had my old empty jar so i put cream inside making sure no broken pieces
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Haven’t noticed any wrinkle relief but i haven’t been using it very long
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