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This is a good primer for the works by nassim taleb such as fooled by randomness or the black swan.
The physical quality the of book was very good because it was brand-new.
Provides intriguing profiles of some of the mathematicians, scientists, etc who have wrestled with the topic through the centuries.
Merchants needed to decide whether the cost was worth the risk.
Suggest that bernstein consider the propositions put forth by jonathan cahn in his book the mystery of the shemitah.
30 years ago microsoft and oracle were in the position to make seemingly endless amounts of money.
The best investors have a tendency to think probabilistically and relate declining prices (without impairments to the intrinsic... Read More
Even a beggar has a certain capital – the amount that he can bring in out on the street.
If it were not each succeeding generation would have greater extremes than its predecessor.
Bernstein quickly jumps to the stock market.
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- This product had a total of 708 reviews as of our last analysis date on May 7 2021.
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Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Not what i expected but a good read nonetheless
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The book made me think that the limited predictability of human actions and the universe is actually a bliss not a curse
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Blaise pascal invented the field of decision theory with pascals wager
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Lies in the consequences of the decision
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
If god does not exist then it doesnt matter if you are a believer or not there is no heavenly reward either way
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
For example statistical sampling began with the efforts of a london businessman named john graunt who recognized that an understanding of the makeup of londons population could help him make better decisions
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