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Pros & Cons
The elastic is not rough but it feels durable and not overly to tight or something that would irritate his skin. The waistband actually does stretch but is more comfortable than regular boys briefs. These are super soft and comfy.
Quality is decent but they run small. I love all the colors and patterns; they are just too cute; super soft.
Size 6-7 (small) are a little snug on my just turned 6 year old son. I'm used to the boys small, medium, large sizes mainly judging by fruit of the loom. These have large, extra large and extra extra large which sounds like it would fit a jumbo jet.
These are too small in the rear end for my son. About 4 pairs shrunk slightly and will work, while the other 6 shrunk at least 2-3 sizes.
The waist isn't elastic, my son wears 3t in everything, and he is tall and slender. The pattern is cute and my boys liked them but then they both starting getting a rash on their butts. They have no elasticity.
We were pleasantly surprised at the quality.
My little prefers these over the ones with the elastic waistband though so i'll definitely be buying another pack in a size down!
I definitely could have gone with the 3t, the 4t is baggy on him but that's alright.
Actually great value for the price they aren’t cheaply made either i was surprised
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size, fit, great, little and elastic. - Our AI detects a high amount of irrelevant reviews for this listing. A number of the reviews included in this product may belong to other variations, editions or versions that may not be representative of the current product being sold.
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- This product had a total of 1,521 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jul 6 2022.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I definitely could have gone with the 3t the 4t is baggy on him but thats alright
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Its not like he wont grow into them
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Regular run of the mill undies
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Won’t be able to wear them long
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I thought these ran a little bit small
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