Pros & Cons
I have wide feet and they fit perfect. Perfect width and doesn't pinch or scrape the heel. The glitter is nice and didn't rub off. I have problems with shoes rubbing blisters on my heels, and this was my solution that worked!
The zippers are a bit stiff but i'm sure wd-40 will help loosen them up. They have actual padding in the bottom for some support which i have never had before. They are comfortable, and the back zipper made an easy on/off.
The straps are bizarrely wide and stretchy. However, the straps do not hug my ankles, they’re dangly messes.
Overall these are super cute and comfy and i'm thrilled!
Lol i wanted to just replace them with the correct size, but it would take too long to get here and my granddaughter wouldn't r... Read More
They are cheap price so probably not for everyday use.
They’re cute and comfy and well priced!
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cute, size, fit, comfortable and wide. - Our AI detects a high amount of irrelevant reviews for this listing. A number of the reviews included in this product may belong to other variations, editions or versions that may not be representative of the current product being sold.
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- This product had a total of 9,497 reviews as of our last analysis date on Dec 11 2022.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Im not in ballet so maybe theyre supposed to be that way
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Theyre squeaky when i walk but its been decreasing daily
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Feels cheap but good if that makes sense
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
We danced a little bit and then left walking again the quarter mile
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
After i broke my foot my doctor said i should wear flat shoes for a while to transition from the boot
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Cons the ankle straps are a bit big and i’m tall so if i wear these with pants they definitely aren’t completely covered
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Now if you’re like me you might be a raging idiot
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
If that’s the case you probably missed the literally dozens of places this product page clearly says there are zippers on these shoes