This is the last analysis snapshot initiated on Apr 11, 2024.
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Pros & Cons
It works as advertised, it it's just what i needed. Great deal for $389(shipped) cyling with the ipod and raybans is akin to riding in a convertible with a * system.
The ipod sounds way better than most stand-alone cd players. The sonics are comparable to a really good dvd player playing cds. It saves me money from spending $4 extra bucks at the music stores on a cd. There are many songs on albums that i didn't in... Read More
My only gripe is that the boffins at apple didn't think to put a protective screen film on as they have with the click wheel. Now this is where this thing shines.
I upgraded from a 3g 15gig ipod to a 20gig version. It seems to run near spec during mixed use. It has better battery life too. Embodying open standards exist for just about every format apple has cooked up.
The ipod is the portable nexus for easy access to our music. It affords access to thousands of songs within seconds, making it easier to peruse your collection with ease. Smart playlist allows you to define criteria so you can have a unique playlist w... Read More
It has very good quality audio output.
I gave this four stars since i had nothing but an excellent experience from using it and it performed exactly as it was suppose... Read More
After 5 days, during which i babied it like a new child, the menu feature quit working.
This is a killer sounding portable when used with lossless compression, and etymotic er-6 headphones.
To top it all, it saves me money from spending $4 extra bucks at the music stores on a cd.
For that price, it really can't be beat.
At that time i paid $599, but with the current price reduction this creates a whole new temptation for those of you who haven't... Read More
The machine must be sent back to the factory to have the battery replaced, and the cost is around $80.
It came quickly and matches the description.
Now i bought my imac from the apple website last christmas and it still shipped w/ ilife 2.
B) both the 40/60gig packages come w/ an ipod dock (if you don't have one already), but like the old ones, do not allow for use... Read More
This is the 2nd ipod i've bought, and both times amazon has had the best deal.
It has better resolution than my big rig (rocksan xerxes turntable, audio research pre and amp, and proac repsonse speakers).
The first ever mp3 player i purchased was a 128mb flash mp3 player from rio back in 1999.
It's kind of big compared to some other players like rio.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
good, new, great and better. - Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 5.
- Previous analysis of this listing was an C grade.
- Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there may be deception involved.
- Our engine has determined that the review content quality is low.
- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 62.1% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 41 reviews as of our last analysis date on Apr 11 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I am going back and reviewing all the products ive purchased on amazon
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This version was the 4th generation and like all 7 generations of ipod including the final ipod classic they have all been discontinued for smarter devices
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The battery life is not very good but that can be expected with an older ipod i suppose
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
My husbands work quit allowing them to use broad band and he sorely missed his music
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
What i cannot understand is why anyone would get the ipod mini or 20gb ipod when there is the 60gb photo ipod available
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
And dont forget the photo capabilities
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The first ever mp3 player i purchased was a 128mb flash mp3 player from rio back in 1999
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Its interface was buggy and never interacted with my computer properly
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