This is the last analysis snapshot initiated on Dec 19, 2023.
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Pros & Cons
Apple's mac mini is an incredible little product. My wife is absolutely in love with the mini, because it is always available. I decided to invest in the 1. Ghz out of a serious post-maverick withdrawal jam.
The dual processor is pretty fast. The mini works quite well with 2gb of ram.
The mac mini works great as a simple desktop solution. The upgrade is only $29 from apple, unlike the prices you'll pay to upgrade your windows os.
Despite all of these shortcoming, the mini is a phenomenal machine. When apple tends to innovate, they create some amazing feats or engineering for a price most cannot afford. It's such a pleasant and surprisingly powerful machine that's also affordab... Read More
Hard drive is small, but i knew i'd have an external drive hooked up. Same for the hard drive. I have a 160gb ministack sitting under it which serves as an alternate boot drive and a firewire/usb powered hub.
Notoriously absent from their website is any information regarding internet security software (search) bogus truth in advertising on website. Apple was too ashamed to list testedit in leopard, but for a reason.
While i don't edit in imovie, i'm still impressed with the simplicity of the product.
I installed it and am very impressed with the apple system as compared to microsoft windows.
I just wasn't pleased with the course of apple's os development post june 30th, 2008 reference configuration leopard.
Doing your own ram upgrade is somewhat of a nightmare, even for someone familiar with the insides of a pc.
The price was right and a mac mini is a great way to being the entire internet to a home theater system.
Is excellent software for the average consumer.
It was silly years ago, but now there's just no real cost difference.
Settled with mac mini as the price was good.
I ordered my new one yesterday (12/03/07) and received it today (12/04/07) via the free shipping option.
The minis amazon is now shipping with a 10.
Even with a measly 1 gb ram and a paltry 80gb hdd my mac mini managed to entertain us for three years.
Coupled with a wireless keyboard/mouse, this was a true no-brainer purchase in every sense.
If you don't have a monitor, keyboard, mouse--get a refurb imac or macbook instead.
So bought a rocketfish webcam as well ($70).
- How are reviewers describing this item?
great, good, little, new and old. - Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 5.
- Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there may be deception involved.
- Our engine has determined that the review content quality is low.
- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 66.1% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 96 reviews as of our last analysis date on Dec 19 2023.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Seved me till a better option later when money is more easily spared
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This mac does not have an hdmi output
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Needed to update the mac with fire fox and small other improvements
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I do t know how the computer works yet my moniter cord doesnt fit in any of the ports so i ordered a adapter
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The minis amazon is now shipping with a 10
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Everything ive tried to run on it runs fast
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
After doing lot of research whether to go for apple laptop or mac mini
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Settled with mac mini as the price was good
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