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Pros & Cons
There are 12 boxes per carton of the 16 oz commercial packages. Four in my house and two at my parents' house. A pack of 12 goes pretty quick. Bigger commercial box appears to be a slightly bit more.
The arm & hammer refrigerator/ freezer baking soda work well on keeper refrigerator and amp; freezers odor free. The shelf life is usually once a month but we use them slightly longer with no appreciable loss of efficiency. A must for every fridge... Read More
Listing says is a pack of 12, but you only get one 16oz box. Also it’s damaged. Please change listing to reflect what customer will actually receive.

Best product for use in refrigerator and freezer also anywhere there is dampness.
Very fresh, easy to use & bulk buying if you have multiple appliances
The mesh panels let the air flow through and a quick shake once a month or so mixes up the desiccant.
Even after dismantling the fridge amd cleaning everything the order was persistent.
Great price for these everyday multi use product.
This is the cheapest price on amazon.
, the 5-pound bags of a&h baking soda in october 2020 cost roughly as much as 12 pounds in this "commercial" version.
This is a good price for a hardtofind item.
The packaging is clever and is designed/suited for the purpose of odor elimination.
There are 12 boxes per carton of the 16 oz commercial packages; and the same is true for the 14oz packages targeted at homes.
Received one box from a 12 pack order!
I put a box in the fridge and a box in the freezer.
Prices jump around every few months, so getting the best deal requires a quick comparison at time of purchase: don't set and fo... Read More
Far better value than most configurations in which the fridge ‘n freezer is sold -- e.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
great, commercial, received, two and good. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 499.
- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 750 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jan 2 2025.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Not like they will go bad before your stinky ss needs to refresh em
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I do not know if anyone else even makes something like this but this is the gold standard for your refrigerator and freezer
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It doesnt smell like cleaners leftovers spoiled food or anything in between
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
After i cleaned out my refrigerators i used a box in both the refrigerator and freezer
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I know it will keep them smelling fresh for at least 1 month usually more
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This is the cheapest price on amazon
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Those people should be taken off of amazon
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The seller hear of this product is selling it at the right price
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