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Features with many positive mentions

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Easy Cleanup

Customers are highly satisfied with the easy cleanup of Arm & Hammer Super Scoop litter. The litter clumps together well, minimizing dust and making scooping a breeze. Customers have reported significant improvements in their cleaning routine and overall experience with this product.


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Frequently mentioned features with split sentiment

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Odor Control

Customers generally have a positive opinion on Arm & Hammer Super Scoop Litter's odor control capabilities, with some expressing satisfaction that it effectively masks and eliminates smells without the use of fragrances. However, a few customers noted that while the litter is effective at controlling odors, it tends to produce more dust compared to other brands they have used.

Clumping Ability

Customers have a generally positive opinion about the clumping ability of Arm & Hammer Super Scoop Litter. They appreciate that it clumps efficiently, making cleanup easier, and it virtually dust free. However, some customers mentioned minor issues with clumps not drying completely or escaping the litter box.


Customers find the price of this litter to be a great value, with some even considering it a bargain. The price per pound is particularly appealing to many buyers.

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It does a good job of absorbing odor and clumps nicely.

It is virtually dust free and fragrance free, and it clumps well.

Elsey's ultra cat litter for the longest time, over 2 years, until the quality went downhill and the clumping ability was causi...  Read More

It is unscented and 99% dust free.


Ps awesome price for the size, would buy again and again to not have a smelly cat, smelly cat…

This serves its purpose efficiently and at a great price.

I purchased this product through amazon for $28.

I've given away litter i didn't like, even though i'm on a strict single-mom budget.


Precious cat is my go-to cat litter brand, but after amazon changed to a new supplier (as they frequently do) that brand quit s...  Read More

The convience of having it delivered so fast as well as not having to twist my back trying to put into shopping cart,lugging ou...  Read More


The box size is perfect - not too heavy and enough litter for a couple of uses.

We used to live in a relatively small apartment, and if the litter boxes were used, you could tell - the litter we used also us...  Read More

The box contains 40 pounds of kitty litter.


I'm very happy and the price is right compared to other litters.

In my opinion, this is the best cat litter in this price range.

I have prime but this product is not available from prime except in 14 lb box which is almost 3 times higher than safeway.

I'd recommend precious cat first, but this litter takes 2nd place amongst other brands i've tried.


  • How are reviewers describing this item?
    super and best.
  • Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
  • Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
  • This product had a total of 3,327 reviews as of our last analysis date on Mar 12 2025.

Helpful InsightsBETA

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    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    We’ve been trying for months to find a good litter and have had no luck

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    Most litters have a really annoying smell and don’t really control odor as much as make the room smell like someone poured laundry detergent on cat piss

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    We got this three days ago and changed the litter immediately

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    We have not scooped yet and there is still no clue that there is a litter box in the house

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    After being a 34worlds best34 customer for 10 years we got a new kitten and our location demanded we get the armhammer from our pet store but papa cat got the stinky stuff the stuff that makes the cat smell like a rotten flower shop and every time i scooped it i would gag

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    But she loved the litter and i loved that it didnt track 34dust34 like worlds best so i searched read all the reviews and decided to try this one

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    Well see how it holds up after a few months of using it

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    Although it seems counterintuitive this cat sand without the 34chemical flower bouquet34 scent additive actually smells much better in the long run than the scented sand

Review Count History
Created with Highcharts 6.0.1201820202022202401200240036004800

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