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Pros & Cons
It's very absorbent and dries quickly. Absorbs everything with no leak through to the garage floor. I do gun work and other mechanical work on top of this table that involves solvents, oils, and other fluids. It keeps the driveway clean, which keeps t... Read More
Seemed good quality with a thin rubber backing. It works as advertised. Met my expectations.
These are lightweight enough to handle and perfect for a slow oil leak. Serves my needs for a drip pan, that can be rolled up and stored under the rv. Much less expensive than heavy duty shelving liners. I have a vintage motorcycle that occasionally d... Read More
If youre using this outdoors, id suggest a bigger one. It fits right between the wheel base and is long enough that i don't have to continually adjust it based on how we park the car.
I believe the material used is not sufficiently resistant to petroleum products. The rubber or whatever material underneath starts to melt.
Light weight and absorbent enough to save you floor
This product will prevent splash and runoff from getting directly on the wood, and its material is designed perfectly for that.
My jeep was leaking and i was having to park on the street because of a brand new driveway.
May not be what it was intended for, but it works great as a protective absorbent, non-slip work surface.
Much less expensive than heavy duty shelving liners.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Thin but seems to do the job so far
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
If it were a tad heavier it would be a better product for outdoor usedriveway use
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This replaced a big piece of cardboard which had accumulated too much wear and embedded debris
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I had an oil pan previously but it would move every time the car brushed against it
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Then it bent when the car rolled over it
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The tape doesnt seem to hold it in place very well but i dont think it matters much
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I only adjusted it once after a couple of months
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Though its very absorbent and thin it move around alot and the adhesive tape provided is not enough and very weak
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