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She's very happy with the quality of the extract powder and sprinkles it on everything she eats from oatmeal to salads.
So i am satisfying with this product.
However, the price is pricier than other alternatives.
Well protected for shipping, i was impressed!
She's recently finished chemo and radiation treatments and was interested in the aronia berry extract powder as a means to incr... Read More
The tartness of the aronia berries has a nice mellowing effect on the blend which otherwise is too sweet.
Arrived promptly, beautiful packaging, fresh product, careful customer support.
I am a believer in the aronia berry health benefits, i grew up calling them chokecherry.
To prevent that, after work out i eat one spoon of aronia powder daily.
I definitely recommend aronia powder as a dietary supplement and it's very tasty and i could mix the powder with every food i eat.
Study:the researchers wanted to know whether they would be able to show the anti-ageing effects of aronia juice.
One litre of aronia berry juice contains for example almost 5 g polyphenols, 4 g of which consist of proanthocyanins.
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- Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 137.
- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 131 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jul 30 2021.
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Not 100 percent if it is from this though
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
By the way vitanea did not sponsor the subject
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The researchers were funded by the bulgarian government
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