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Pros & Cons
Small and very portable. Small enough to fit in my go bag. Also got a set for my sister. Hubby and i use it at church.
No matter the brand of ear buds or headphones the sound clarity isn't diminished by connecting to this splitter. While baby is asleep, my husband and i use this to watch movies with dual earphones connected to this.
The wire connector to the splitter is very thin but does the job. Works fine.
Plugged two sets of earbuds in and tried to watch a movie, listen to music on my phone, and listen to a youtube video. Does not work. Product works just fine but the cable is so slim and fragile feeling.
These are a waste of money and cheaply made. Piece of junk.
Great quality, compatible with any earphones that use the 3.
>these work well,and helped me get a dual speaker arrangement ser up that i wanted to use.
Used this to play a session of a co-op switch game on a flight 2 months ago the sound quality was unchanged and was able to hav... Read More
If it was subject to movement or repeated connections and disconnections, this the very thin wire would break and fail.
Likely an additional cost of less than 3 cents per item.
I cannot be that expensive to use wire three times thicker for greater durability.
No matter the brand of ear buds or headphones the sound clarity isn't diminished by connecting to this splitter.
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great, good, quality, two and perfect. - Our engine has detected that the listing/variation has anomalous review count history. Please review the historical review count graph.
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- Previous analysis of this listing was an C grade.
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- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 61.1% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 6,056 reviews as of our last analysis date on May 3 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I needed a way for 2 people to listen to a movie through ear buds through my old 90s aiwa stereo headphone jack i have my tv hooked up to it for sound
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The splinter works very well for sound only
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It was perfect till he realized he can just watch movies on the screen in front of him lol
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
No matter the brand of ear buds or headphones the sound clarity isnt diminished by connecting to this splitter
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I liked that it was simple with a low profile and nothing i didnt need i just wanted to duplicate the output from my computer to both my pc speakers and my headset
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I just turn off my speakers when i dont want them or vise versa
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
They dont work on my earbuds when plugged into the 2way
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The wire connector to the splitter is very thin but does the job
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