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Pros & Cons
This combo of shampoo and conditioner is magic! It is as close as you can get. The apple cider vinegar is a conditioner.
The shampoo works very well; some current shampoos that have almost no real cleansers in them, don't clean well at all. The apple cider vinegar is cleansing and gentle on the scalp. The scent is subtle and a little sweet. If aveeno tweaked this just a... Read More
Shampoo is fine but the scent is way too strong and smells like super cheap shampoo. I have to go overboard with conditioner to get my hair manageable after using it.
Adding perfume to shampoos contributes to drying out your hair. Made my hair oily and greasy. And it also makes your hair full of static.
This stuff *. Not regular shampoo. Not happy. Do not recommend. Please put “clarifying” in the main title.
This shampoo lathers well, smells great and cuts through the build-up without having to leave it on a lonv time.
The shampoo gives a beautiful clean, gentle but effective.
First it doesn’t make my hair feel greasy, the shampoo texture is not heavy and creates quite a lot of foam.
I kid you not, after 1 use of this shampoo + the aveeno acv rinse my hair is softer and shiner than it's been in weeks.
It’s perfect for its price and makes your hair feel really clean.
The value is great for what i received and the scent is great!
I thought it was more expensive than expected.
This particulars shampoo is not expensive but washes hair well without drying them.
My dermatologist recommended that i switch to a hypoallergenic brand, so i chose aveeno.
It costs more than the cheap brands, but definitely worth it!
- How are reviewers describing this item?
clean, oily, great, thick and good. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 3478.
- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 15,093 reviews as of our last analysis date on Dec 1 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I noticed a few weeks ago my hair was starting to feel extra dry a little brittle and frizzy come to find out we have hard water in our home
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I kid you not after 1 use of this shampoo the aveeno acv rinse my hair is softer and shiner than its been in weeks
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Hair started to feel flat at the roots and it finally occured to me that it was product build up
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Can pass for a detox but the smell of the acv was too strong for me
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
May not reorder often perhaps only when i need a detox
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
First it doesn’t make my hair feel greasy the shampoo texture is not heavy and creates quite a lot of foam
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I don’t have to use a lot to get my hair completely washed and i have thick hair
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I bought the shampoo and conditioner
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