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Pros & Cons
I have sibo and this is so helpful for my tummy! It's helping with my sibo … everything i read about neem plus for gut issues is right. I was put on this supplement along with allimed for the treatment of sibo. This seems to be helping my intestinal i... Read More
The ayush herbs neem plus herbal supplement works great for digestion problems when taken along with berberine complex. Dr prescribed, with diet, for small intestine bacterial overgrowth condition. This product is part of a regimen that dramatically i... Read More
Used to be great quality, now every time i reorder the pills are a different color and non-branded. I'm certain this is a counterfeit. If bradycardia is a possibility, then this product needs to come with a warning.
Excellent product as part of a totally natural sibo solution!
Dramatic improvements on helping to balance by gut bacteria and improve my digestive health, and has helped clear up my skin an... Read More
Two rounds of meds failed, and this product as part of a natural protocol has sibo on the run!
I stopped and switched to another neem product and the skin went back to dry after 2 weeks of not using this product.
The doctor who prescribed this herb was right on time.
It smelled slightly different than the bottle i got through fullscript but it contains guduchi which the fullscript does not.
I tried just regular neem and found the neem plus to be more beneficial.
I am taking this in conjunction with other herbs for sibo.
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digestive, clear, red, through and different. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has determined that the review content quality is high and informative.
- Our engine has detected that there may be counterfeit products sold through this listing.
- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 219 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jul 1 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Got this for digestive support after hearing sadhguru suggesting this with turmeric
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Digestive support worked amazing and unintentionally and unexpectedly i noticed my skin was glowing after a few months big time
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I stopped and switched to another neem product and the skin went back to dry after 2 weeks of not using this product
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Bought this product to try out on some form of gut dysbiosis i’ve had for a couple of years after antibiotic use
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
After taking this my sibo symptoms were lessened but i got the breath test and i still tested positive for sibo
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
However my nerve pain completely went away and now i’m not sure if this is the reason it was fixed but i did read that neem is a cureall for all sorts of things
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Anyways i’m so grateful my pain is gone maybe it was due to a bad bacteria or parasite
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I heard this was good for gut health
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