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Pros & Cons

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It goes on smoothly and you know it's working by the ever so slight tingle you feel when first applied. Leaves your face feeling incredibly soft.

I like the lime scent, but it thankfully does not linger. It is light, refreshing, and has a lovely lime scent. This product uses so little and does so much-/- and smells so refreshing at the same time. Amp; the lime is my preferred scent over the ora...  Read More

The ultimate lime infused organic retinol moisturizer has a very potent 2. Retinol. It comes with an airless pump which only shows a little stripe of product on the side. The sheer amount of goodness in this serum alone is enough to sell me on it! Azu...  Read More

As it is natural one loved to use regularly it tights the loose skin and makes me look more young. This, in turn, tightens and tones the skin to give it a more youthful appearance.

Retinol is extremely helpful in restoring collagen and firming/toning your skin. Lime is another great ingredient. Best for reducing fine lines and wrinkles.


This product is the opposite of a moisturizer. I am 26 years old with moderate complexion and this never left my face feelign moisturized. My second purchase has a major issue with the bottle pump, and it will not disperse the moisturizer.

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Overall i am very happy with the outcome.

I am 46 and get a lot of compliments on my skin since using this product.

It protects the product from light and air.

I received this product in exchange for my honest review.


I love the packaging - it's an airless pump which only shows a little stripe of product on the side (so you'll know when you're...  Read More


I also mix in a bit of rosehip oil, because my skin sometime tends to get dryer.

Three times a week, scrub with an apricot scrub, or my favorite, a clarisonic mia.


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    good, great, azure, fine and little.
  • Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 14.
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  • Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 72.1% of the reviews are reliable.
  • This product had a total of 104 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jun 12 2022.

Helpful InsightsBETA

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    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    I thought it only came with one but included two

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    In the other hand i didnt notice any antiaging effects and bottles pump is not working properly

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    I like that i could buy this on amazon because most drugstore products dont list their retinol and if they do its not as high as 2

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    Difficult to get out of the bottle which is a bind

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    I must say i have tried multiple products by azure naturals and have yet to be disappointed

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