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It is adorable, well made and has good sound for her to play with.
Feels sturdy and made of quality, durable plastic with a matte finish, not shiny, which i think the matte makes it look better, personally.
It doesn’t work or it’s just terrible quality.
Whenever it is taken out of the toy, it gives off a loud static sound and refuses to record any sound.
This is worth every penny which isn't even many for the price tag.
If not, i definitely got sold a used one for a new item price.
My daughter wanted a cat piano after i told her that she would get a prize if she started going to the potty.
Lol quick delivery exactly what i was looking for.
Look of cat piano circuit bent on youtube.
Didn't come in original packaging, however, and it was dirty when it arrived.
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piano, good, new, quality and easy. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there may be deception involved.
- Our engine has determined that the review content quality is low.
- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 65.6% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 840 reviews as of our last analysis date on Dec 11 2024.
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Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This is worth every penny which isnt even many for the price tag
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Right now you cant which severely limits the musicmaking ability by the lack of this one small feature
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Saw something similar in a vid on youtube
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
If rick wakeman and keith emerson had played one of these they might have amounted to something
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
My daughter wanted a cat piano after i told her that she would get a prize if she started going to the potty
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The cord for the microphone is really short but i suppose thats kind of a good thing
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Didnt make it for the third granddaughter
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Toys cat keyboard complete with a microphone that kiddo can envelop with their mouth making the sound of a dying rhinoceros volume buttons that do not actually change the volume giving you hope that your eardrums will not bleed after 2 minutes and then ripping it away while the cheshire grin mocks you and keys that sound like the theme song that edgar allen poe heard in his head as played by a harpsichord that is out of tune
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