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Pros & Cons

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Bought for our 4 month old grandson. It has so many colourful and exciting pieces hanging down. My granddaughter loves it.

I wish it was more easily transportable. It's also detachable and we take it on walks or in the car.

Toys are cute. My granddaughter makes all kind of new coo sounds too when batting at the toys. Definitely worth every penny!


The flashing 3 lights are too fast and the musing also annoyingly too fast. The other setting, it blinks so fast, i'm afraid my son is going to have a seizure.

The mat doesn't just pop open, you have to use two hands (and sometimes a foot) to lay it out and arrange the arches. The hanging toys are too low and are hard plastic. Very hard to put together for a playmat and cheaply made.

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Very easy to assemble and good quality!

Great play mat, my 4 month old can easily reach the toys even at their highest levels.

15 minutes of stimulation will put her into a 2 hour nap!

This way it won't fall on your child if the velcro fails.


It’s the most reasonably priced playmat i’ve seen and it does the job!

It’s worth the 35 bucks considering you could only find a very basic play ground with barely any attachments for 25 bucks not i...  Read More

There are so many like these out there but this was reasonably priced so decided to give it a try.


I wish it was more easily transportable.


  • How are reviewers describing this item?
    star, mat, old, easy and little.
  • Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
  • Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 2.
  • Previous analysis of this listing was an C grade.
  • Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 79.7% of the reviews are reliable.
  • This product had a total of 2,444 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jan 22 2024.

Helpful InsightsBETA

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    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    It was easy to put together but need good dexterity for the small loops

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    I used this for several months until my little one started crawling

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    Considering we wanted him to see everything and it attaches to the top

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    Comes with a little music component which also lights up that has velcro on it to strap anywhere on the play gym

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    I don’t know if this will be easy to fold or to assemble

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    Lucky for you it plays 20 minutes of music when i had it i only had 6 minutes before i had to restart the musical star or the crying would start again so i was able to take a super quick 6 minute shower

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    I wish it was more easily transportable

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Please note: The content is generated by an AI language model based on reviews. We are constantly improving the accuracy, however, its outputs may contain errors or offensive content from certain reviews. Please report any errors or offensive content to us. Also, please note that we will not collect your questions unless you click the thumbs up/down button to provide feedback. The answers displayed will be stored by us so if another Fakespotter asks a similar question we can provide them an answer faster. Your feedback will only help us make Fakespot Chat better! By using Fakespot Chat, you agree to Fakespot's terms of use and privacy notice.

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