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Fits Various Manga Sizes
Customers have a generally positive opinion about the BCW Digest Size Outer Sleeves' ability to fit various manga sizes. Most customers mentioned that these bags fit most standard sized manga well, including One Punch Man, UQ Holder, Edens Zero, and Goblin Slayer. However, some customers noted that certain manga series, such as Tales of Wedding Rings, Bakemonogatari, Oreimo Comic Anthology, A Certain Magical Index, My Youth Romantic Comedy is Wrong as I Expected, Asterisk War, To Love Ru

Great size fits just right, protects against humidity and allows me to handle them without worry.
Love these for keeping my shojo beat mangas safe and secure!
I boguht these for some manga since that's what they're advertised for, and while the height is spot on, it's about an inch too... Read More
These are size specific so be sure to measure what you’re wanting to slip inside them very carefully.
Exactly as described perfect product good price
Perfect for storing my digests and oversized paperbacks.
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- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 606 reviews as of our last analysis date on Mar 12 2025.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This review is for the bcw digest and manga bags size 6x758
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Popular manga that will not fit in these bags buy the larger comic book bags 678x1012 insteadtales of wedding ringsbakemonogataridont toy with me miss nagatorooreimo comic anthologythese bags will not fit any typical english language version japanese novel buy the larger comic book bags 678x1012 instead such asa certain magical indexmy youth romantic comedy is wrong as i expectedasterisk warthese bags will not fit any manga omnibus versions or anthologies that are doubledepth of a typical manga or thicker note the larger comic sized bag also will not fit these due to thickness such asto love ru 12 34 etcurusei yatsura 123 etcthese bags will fit most standard sized manga such asone punch manuq holderedens zerogoblin slayerdandadanmonster musumemy monster secretarifureta all seriesis it wrong to try to pick up girls in a dungeon i ii and la familiaolder series of similar sizes such as cage of eden negima love hina toradorasome manga series have varying thickness of books but still fit such astodays cerberusa certain scientific railgunbonus items that will also fit in these bagsmost standard single dvd cases and standard single bluray cases and standard single cd casesmost single depth game cases ds ps3 ps2 wii wiiu gamecube
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
These arent perfect but in an attempt to hit the onesizefitsall they do better than any other bag ive tried
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Size wise 634 wide is a little too much for most manga as you can see in my photos theres excess on either side of the book and mha 32 is above average thickness for a single volume
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Of course the opposite is true for omnibuses and the like
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
These will be too small for things like that
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It wont create a seal unless you go to greater lengths with tape but its sufficient for long term manga storage in most environments
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
They do not have resealing capability on their own
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