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- This product had a total of 17 reviews as of our last analysis date on Sep 7 2018.
Reviews Summary
The only other negative thing it that the belt buckle’s clasp design makes is nearly 78 of an inch thick
So its these itty bitty screws that will without doing something about them will simply unscrew leaving you with your pants down so to speakmy answer to this design issue as the manufacture sent me a new belt to replace the one that lost its screws is to unscrew the screws place a 2 drops of super glue into the screwholes rescrew them in and then place another drop of superglue on the top of the screws
So the issue with what is otherwoise a ok belt is that it has 5 parts1 the belth itself2 the 2 parts of the belt buckle apparatus3 2 ultra minature micros screws that hold the whole thing together
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