Truly a holy book and anyone who wants to come to terms with the beauty of god should read this book.
Truly a great work for the nation of bharat and the world.
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Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
My test case is to compare side by side translations of the 13th chapter which is usually very hard to understand in most editions
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I was in search of a translation that was as original as possible to the real text with any additional commentarywhich inevitably is colored by the authors viewpoints clearly demarcated
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
For this work is not just a translation
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Even explanation seems terribly reductionist
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Aurobindo also takes particular pains to ensure that the messages in the gita are not understood as constructs in philosophy or a doctrine of conduct or an intellectual pursuit
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The gita and the quran both are texts which are in need of proper tranlsation and interpretation based on thier orthodox roots rather than the opinions of people from a time which is so far off from the original composition of these texts
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Aurobindo understood this and so gave the translation in its proper form and than pontificated on its meaning based on his understand which is seperated from the original text
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This is important to note as the gita is said to encapsulate the essence of vedanta and vedas which are texts that expanse a great magnitude in their literary form and no one individual can realistically claim to be the knower of their true quintessential meanings