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Pros & Cons
Sleeves are a nice length for an older person, that older person being me 79. Bought this for my shrinking 70 year old mom for mother's day. Got this to bring on a sailing trip with other couples.
This housedress is well constructed and beautifully finished. The gown can be worn as a house dress or to entertain guests. Bloggerlove moo moo is pretty enough enough to wear out to dinner or shopping.
The fabric is thicker than expected but that's a good thing. It's also slightly stretchy. The yoke style makes the upper body appear thinner.
The material is a bit shiny but washes beautifully and when removed from the dryer after about 8 minutes and hung to finish drying it looks great. The fabric drapes beautifully and is lightweight for summer wear.
The material is great quality and soft.
These house dresses are well made and the top part of the garment is very flattering.
It does not need ironing at all after being washed and dried.
It feels like a good quality product but time will tell for sure.
Good value for the money and she liked them a lot.
Wore both all the time on the ship and in ports and received so many complements.
I received the dress a day later than stated and it was the wrong color.
I knew it was going to be a few days late, but that was okay.
You don't get neat stitching like this on most other brands of loungers.
I also got her another one similar but a different brand that was nice also.
I also have the green (not the one described as light green) and it is pretty but not as much as the navy.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
dress, comfortable, material, fit and soft. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there may be deception involved.
- Our engine has determined that the review content quality is low.
- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 71.0% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 367 reviews as of our last analysis date on Apr 29 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This product is more like a night gown than a house dress which is why i bought it
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I have one i bought from another store exactly like it except that one was cotton and i feel more appropriate to wear around company
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The fabric is thicker than expected but thats a good thing
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I wanted something i can sleep in and get up in the morning and wear in front of everyone so i don’t have to immediately get dressed upon waking
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It really looks like a dress or house dress
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The yoke style makes the upper body appear thinner
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Also i do not like wearing bra and this dress allows for no bra without revealing the fact
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I picked blue as she has blue eyes
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