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Pros & Cons
Crosswords are challenging but doable. Some you'll be good at and some will be super challenging and leave you stumped. It starts off easy and gradually gets more challenging. Some are very challenging and some are easy but overall the best one i've b... Read More
The spiral bound book is easy to handle, and works great as a pencil holder. I like that the pages are square, it feels more manageable on my lap. The spiral binding is convenient too.
Most of the puzzles (mazes, word search, etc) aren't exercises in actual thinking. Many of the word search clues are just horribly vague. This book only frustrates me. Directions are poor and vary greatly in challenge even at the beginning.
They are all high quality, fun, and keep our brains active!
The quality of the book is great and the answer section in the back is so nice to check your answers.
A lot of the puzzles completely stump me and now i’m questioning if i just got lucky throughout school because apparently my br... Read More
Gave this to my mom as a christmas gift and she’s through 70 pages in less than a week.
I think it's going to be engaging for a few months making the investment quite affordable.
I've been bringing it everywhere with me so it's doggie-eared now, but i ordered it brand new and it arrived in perfect condition.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
great, good, spiral, easy and different. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 80.
- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 2,680 reviews as of our last analysis date on Dec 7 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
After spending 20 mins with this book i feel like i had a light workout
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Gives me a great break from social media
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The level of difficulty ranges throughout the book so there are definitely some challenges in here too and if you really cant figure something out all the answers are in the back
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Please advertise to more seniors
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The book was in good condition other than a little bent corner
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I just want to say that this book is significantly harder than i thought it would be
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
A lot of the puzzles completely stump me and now i’m questioning if i just got lucky throughout school because apparently my brain doesn’t work
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