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Pros & Cons
I have very frizzy, full hair without the bb and this shampoo has kept my hair straight and soft for days. As shampoo liquid is thinner, it is not as hard to squeeze out contents. My hair is super thick, naturally wavy & mid-length so in the summe... Read More
I use this product after every keratin treatment (i get 2 a year) and this size bottle lasts about 3 months. I find it a little pricey but it's one of the only things that works on my hair after it's been processed with the brazilian blowout straighte... Read More
Won’t buy again. And of course, turns out it's non-returnable.
Also, it leaves her hair very greasy, and she have recently noticed a drier scalp with what could be dandruff.
It helps to keep my hair straight and silky for several months after my brazilian comb out
Great product and natural hair & wigs
With these products, my hair didn't tangle, shrink, or shed—unlike my experience with other products.
If they could get these products to smell a little better maybe like their thermal straightening balm, that would be amazing!
As someone who has been over-processing their hair for years, i've finally found a solution that works for me and is more affor... Read More
- How are reviewers describing this item?
brazilian, greasy, great, dry and good. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has detected that there may be counterfeit products sold through this listing.
- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 8,112 reviews as of our last analysis date on Oct 25 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Even if you don’t do the whole brazilian blow out it is work getting the shampoo and conditioner to get the frizz out of your hair
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
If youre on the hunt for a product line that can take your hair to the next level the brazilian blowout range could be the answer youve been looking for
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The line has not only boosted the health of my hair but its also made it longer and more lustrous than ever before
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I recommend anyone who gets brazilian blowout on their hair to purchase this product
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
You don’t need to use a lot of product
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Our little girl has very long hair that is almost unmanageable
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I’ve always combed conditioner through her hair during a shower but it’s become quite an undertaking
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
My hair is frizzy and very dry
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