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Pros & Cons
The only other ingredient is the capsule.
One blue green algae pill each day eliminates the ileocecal pain.
This product is amazing and gives me a great clean energy boost in the morning.
And is not synthetic like most of the nutritional supplements out there today which provide no health benefits.
I've heard this stuff can activate nk and stem cells like literally nothing else naturally out there — so maybe if i keep very ... Read More
Very good value for the price !
The price is great and it is an amazing value.
I had to order separately from my recurring order and i entered my "lifetime" discount code for 15% off and it was not accepted... Read More
These are cheap enough as they are.
Great company, sends their products quickly & perfectly packaged.
Bri has always been stellar with their shipping and product.
Well packed and appears goodquality i only take 2 a day for maintenance and a long time user.
I'll do a update, further down the path of time, and let's hope it really is better than the competition.
(pea isn't my favorite substance, though i think people are much more likely to get addicted to another brand's formulation, th... Read More
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good, great, blue and green. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 697.
- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 79.0% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 1,981 reviews as of our last analysis date on Dec 26 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Ill do a update further down the path of time and lets hope it really is better than the competition
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
In the meanwhile im giving this a 5stars rating and we shall see if it keeps this as time marches on
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Update 9232024 actually spirulina is bluegreen algae and another reviewer said to avoid wild grown anything because you really do not know what if any toxic contaminants are in the water
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Also 99 of both spirulina and chlorella are commercially farmed processed and consumed in asia primarily japan where people are among the healthiest and longest lived in the world and japanese people take spirulina for morning room service food and chlorella for evening cleanup
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It sucks out toxins from all your bodys 38 trillion cells especially your brain cells during rem sleep instead of vitamin supplements as both spirulina and chlorella are way higher in vitamins minerals and antioxidants than any leafy green vegetable or fresh fruit and costs very much less pennies per tablet without requiring any processing just swallow the baby aspirin sized tables 6x to 30x at a time as needed
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Then take the chlorella just before going to sleep as it will detoxify all your bodys 38 trillion cells especially your brain heart and skeletal muscles
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It will even detox alcohol if needed after 1
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
You will be fully sober with no hangover
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