This is a good quality 5 htp supplement.
The supplements have consistent color and quality, with no broken capsules.
They are easy to swallow with little aftertaste.
Also like the 100mg variant this company offers, these work effectively, if not more so due to the higher dosage.
They also give you two months worth which is great.
Furthermore the price is relatively reasonable for what you're getting.
” the packaging made me a little nervous.
The difference is that this variant is has 400mg per two capsule serving, which is more than i have seen elsewhere, while also ... Read More
Also worth noting, similar to their 100mg variant, these capsules are smaller than most other 5-htp supplements, and most other... Read More
Similarly, this brand’s 5-htp seems as solid as anything else i have tried.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
good, easy, quality, made and great. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is high deception involved.
- This product had a total of 15 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jul 6 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
That tells me they are quality
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The difference is that this variant is has 400mg per two capsule serving which is more than i have seen elsewhere while also being considerably less than what you can pick up at your favorite vitamin shop
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
That is a big positive selling point as far as i am concerned
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Also worth noting similar to their 100mg variant these capsules are smaller than most other 5htp supplements and most other capsule based supplements for that matter as well
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
However we have found that we don’t need it nightly as we are getting better sleep
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Seems to be working for me in terms of mood however in conjunction ive also been trying to hydrate more and get additional sleep
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
So it might be just those or helping