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Pros & Cons
Product seems excellent quality and mixes really well. Tastes a bit “earthy’ in s good way. The flavor is nice, a bit like brown sugar.
Additinal supplements and holistic treatments have been able to beat back skin cancer. Pup was diagnosed with lymphatic cancer and round cell. I have diverticulosis so i’m glad i finally found something to help keep everything cleared out. I am hopefu... Read More
I find these all the time forging, but never used as i was always looking for food. But did switch from strict keto for 18 months to low carb mediterranean two weeks ago. Also using yunnan baiyao twice daily.
Do not buy this product.
The product is of good quality, flavorless really, and effective.
I dislike mushrooms so i was expecting to not like the product but it's actually really good.
June 16th 2022 was the 1st pet cat scan, i’ve had two since with the 2nd revealing a tumor, but much reduced.
However, about a month into taking this product, i now have a bm three times a day!
Great product & best price i found after looking on amazon for hours.
I didn't care for the packaging at all, very messy trying to get it out of the bag.
Packaging has no mention of sugar and the information given on amazon says "free of added sugar".
He has a form of skin cancer, so far with additinal supplements and holistic treatments we've been able to beat back the lesion... Read More
I am a cynical skeptic when it comes to these types of products.
Easy solution was putting some in a 16oz mason jar.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
good and great. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 76.2% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 543 reviews as of our last analysis date on Oct 2 2023.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Someone reviewed this item saying it has sugar in it
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Packaging has no mention of sugar and the information given on amazon says 34free of added sugar34
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Taste good but gums up in my coffee
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
After doing my own research i found that turkey tail is recommended for people with lupus
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Update i was suffering from extreme numbness in the arms hands legs feet every single day of my life
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I maybe experience it twice a month max now
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Over the next 3 months i saw 4 oncologist one being a naturopathic oncologist
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The description of the side effects were morbid
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