Pros & Cons
"they’re vitamins …. Satisfait du prix.
This multi is easy on the stomach, with excellent efficacy. They're easy to * and don't have bad or aftertaste.
Good product feel better already after two weeks seem to have more energy but could also be increased exercise helps with that.
Centrum has always been a good quality product.
Also it’s fairly easy to swallow with a selection of juices etc since the coating doesn’t dissolve too quickly.
The primary goal is to bolster her immunity, and he has been using it consistently for this purpose
Add to that the convenience of having them delivered to our door at a price equal to that in a store and it's a big plus.
I like that amazon always sells my brands at a great price without shopping around.
I will not be buying at these new prices.
I managed to get these on amazon when on sale for $11.
As always amazon delivery was so quick , am totally happy with product .
Item as described and very quick delivery.
It was a good price and came quickly.
Product arrived as described in a timely manner.
I was told to take a multivitamin, and chose these as a cost effective alternative.
Lol, i figured any vitamins were better than no vitamins.
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good, great, better and easy. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there may be deception involved.
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- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 66.4% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 2,073 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jul 14 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I usually buy these locally for about 1619
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I managed to get these on amazon when on sale for 11
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I purchased this product from amazon because it is cheaper than every other store
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The cheapest vitamin on the market
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I will not be buying at these new prices
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Another one of those products that i look for locally and the price is so much cheaper on amazon it makes no sense to buy locally
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Ill find out at my next check up if it works
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
People over 50 should take a multivtamin