Pros & Cons
Does what it says on the dispenser! It smells oat-ey, but i quite like that. My skin is sensitive, and i never used soapy products before this one.
It was very drying and considering the ingredients list, it's fairly obvious why. That much alcohol and sls is not going to do sensitive skins any favours. Very gutted this is either fake or something. But even if its purging but not willing to take r... Read More
Harsh and stripping for my skin. Returns not accepted but reimbursement done by amazon kindly. It's mediocre in my opinion.
Love this product, cleanses, doesn't clog pores, doesn't need water, doesn't dry out skin, softens skin, no scent and so easy, ... Read More
It won’t remove your makeup by itself though so i suggest cleansing with an oil-based product first before cleansing with this.
I am using this for the first time as a facewash.
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- This product had a total of 3,447 reviews as of our last analysis date on Aug 24 2022.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
But i thought it was time to use some product because my skin goes through a lot make up chemicals weather temperature etc
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It won’t remove your makeup by itself though so i suggest cleansing with an oilbased product first before cleansing with this