Pros & Cons
Sturdy, don't break. Made of very durable plastic. It makes me tingle in all the right places, especially my wallet.
One freaking tee. These tees give me just a bit more height which helps my drive/tee shot feel more comfortable.
These are awesome. Have finally found a sweet spot using these. Lol he says they work great and have a great height to them!
Whatever material they use to make these tees is far too brittle for a golf tee. I may be stuck with these.
Haven't broken any, and they do help with the higher tee up.
I can play with the same tee my whole round.
The quantity for the price was great!
The price dropped recently so i loaded up the truck again.
Received in a plain plastic baggie with no packaging label, but no problem, good quality for the price.
They last long and i hit bombs with them in the bag!
Nothing wrong with that i suppose, just don't expect any fancy packaging.
I have been able to use some of these for more than an entire round.
One of these usually last me more than one round.
If i use wood tees, i'l go through 18 in a round.
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great, round, few, last and same. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there may be deception involved.
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- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 65.0% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 1,733 reviews as of our last analysis date on Dec 14 2022.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Even if bryson decambeau gave me private lessons i still dont think i could add that much yardage
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I asked our pro and he suggested to tee it up at the same height every time
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Its also a plastic tee so it doesnt break but it will bend
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Lasted 9 holes with just 1 tee
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Good tees but beware tees aren’t consistent and are off different length
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
They are shipped in a zip lock plastic bag whomever is the seller must have thousands of them and is repacking and selling them in small quantities
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Nothing wrong with that i suppose just dont expect any fancy packaging
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Once they’re bent i just toss them and get a knew one