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Pros & Cons
Flip flops are comfortable and true to size. I typically break flip-flops a season, and it is officially fall now.
They are fairly comfortable and the color is true. I wish they were more comfy but they're good around the house. Very comfortable and cute.
Theres no padding or anything and it is very uncomfortable for me. It is like a stretched out, no longer snugging piece of elastic string.
Nearly impossible to keep snug enough to keep on my feet. The shoe is too rigid and very uncomfortable. It rubs terribly between my toes. The band irritates between your toes.
Although these flops are adorable, they are definitely not practical. They are very, very thin! They are incredibly slippery! They slide across the floor. It sounds like a dogs nails on tiles.
They have held up well, and with going in and out on a regular basis.
These are amazing, exactly what i was looking for (and exactly what the pictures showed) and they are made of very decent materials.
After 1 day it was ruined on one of the toes area.
I am at dinner on june 29th, so just barely one month of having these, and the strap completely broke off.
Although the price tag it had on it said $5.
Fit is as expected for the price it's a cute flip-flop
Delivered may 26th, maybe wore a total of ten times.
Other stores around here which have similar priced flip-flips or looking, but less quality.
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cute, fit, size, flip and great. - Our AI detects a high amount of irrelevant reviews for this listing. A number of the reviews included in this product may belong to other variations, editions or versions that may not be representative of the current product being sold.
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- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 65.0% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 4,245 reviews as of our last analysis date on Apr 11 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I love the sandals comfy but run small
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I dont like foam flip flops as they always seem sooo informal
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
On top of being the lowest price ive ever seen for even foamies that i actually liked
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
And they clipclop a little but i have no idea why anyone would think that they wouldnt plus i think the noise they make shows that your sandals are actually shoes with structure and deserve to be looked at
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Lastly ive only done it a couple times but they can be cleaned and even scrubbed softly if they get really muddy or you go unintentionally through something germy
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I bought this flip flop because i wanted something to go in and out
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Other stores around here which have similar priced flipflips or looking but less quality
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I typically break flipflops a season and it is officially fall now 2021 and they are still together looking as good as purchase
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