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Pros & Cons
Just pick the fresh herbs, slice or dice into small pieces, stuff them into each cube well and fill with olive oil. Much easier when the silicone is loosened.
The ice cubes are a little smaller than i expected so i have to use quite a few. The only downfall is that you can't stack them. It’s easily fits through smaller mouthed water bottles.
Quality is really good. Hurt my hands and thumbs. Ice turns out great.
You can't twist to make the ice cubes pop out. U have to push so hard that it pained my fingers.
There's a square one that pushes out that we like much better. Once the trays are filled, they con't be stacked until the water is frozen. That means you can't stack them in the freezer, unless frozen already.
For the price, the quality is really good.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
easy, pop, great, small and little. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 2,282 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jul 17 2023.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
A little difficult to press out
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Just disappointed that it was broken just the handle when it arrived
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Sometimes the ice does get stuck and i really have to push hard to get them out
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Usually they come out ok though it’s maybe 23 cubes per tray that get really stuck
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Decided to just go for the random color choice and ended up with a nice violet color
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Just pick the fresh herbs slice or dice into small pieces stuff them into each cube well and fill with olive oil
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I dont like plain water but am trying to be hydrated sooooo
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I purchased a small orange lemon squeezer
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