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Please note: The content is generated by an AI language model based on reviews. We are constantly improving the accuracy, however, its outputs may contain errors or offensive content from certain reviews. Please report any errors or offensive content to us. Also, please note that we will not collect your questions unless you click the thumbs up/down button to provide feedback. The answers displayed will be stored by us so if another Fakespotter asks a similar question we can provide them an answer faster. Your feedback will only help us make Fakespot Chat better! By using Fakespot Chat, you agree to Fakespot's terms of use and privacy notice.

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Frequently mentioned features with split sentiment

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Adjustable Flow Rate

Customers have generally positive feedback about the adjustable flow rate of this DIY CO2 generator set. Many users appreciate its ease of use and cost savings compared to buying CO2 tanks regularly. However, some customers encountered issues with clogged solenoid valves and had to replace them, adding an extra cost to their maintenance budget.

Consistent Pressure

Customers have mixed opinions regarding the consistency of pressure produced by the CO2 generator set. While most report consistent and reliable performance, some users have experienced issues with inconsistent or declining pressure over time. The solenoid valve is generally praised for its reliability and high quality, but a few customers have reported failure. Users suggest ensuring proper material weight and maintaining a cold water supply to optimize the reaction and achieve consistent CO2 production.

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The solenoid seems reliable and of high quality and the needle valve is well suited to the low pressures applied.

Very nice co2 system, works great in my 32 gallon planted tank.

The quality of the product is top notch, all metal components.

That tank only reached ~18 kg/cm on the gauge and the reaction lasted about 5 days.


I highly recommend this unit, especially now when compressed co2 is getting hard to find at a reasonable price.


The packaging this product comes in is first rate professional.


I see the difference in quality with the clscea brand.

I prefer this system rather than loading the co2 tank every month or so at airgas.


  • How are reviewers describing this item?
    quality, first, acid, citric and great.
  • Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
  • Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 8.
  • Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
  • This product had a total of 206 reviews as of our last analysis date on Mar 9 2025.

Helpful InsightsBETA

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    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    I will update this review after the first few months

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    I just manually turn it on and off

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    Update after 1 month this product is really good and esasy to use i use it at 2 bubbles per second and it run for the whole month even a little more on my 30 gallon tank

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    I was never a fan of the yeastsugar mixtures so had done them with baking sodacitric acid

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    The main problem was that they just ran out too quickly im too lazy to keep up with them so id just gone lowtech for a long time

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    Then i bought some hightech plants had only a single co2 tank so thought id give this one a try

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    Once i finally got around to putting this one into action at first i was irritated with the instructions the bad grammar etc

Review Count History
Created with Highcharts 6.0.1Jan '22May '22Sep '22Jan '23May '23Sep '23Jan '24May '24Sep '24Jan '25080160240320
Price History
Created with Highcharts 6.0.1Oct '21Jan '22Apr '22Jul '22Oct '22Jan '23Apr '23Jul '23Oct '23Jan '24Apr '24Jul '24Oct '24050100150200

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