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Pros & Cons

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A serving is 1 capsule and the jar contains 60. Pricey but good quality. They combine nr with pterostilbene, which i believe, makes this a more effective supplement, than nr alone.

Liposomal nicotinamide riboside is one of the best anti-aging supplements on the market. Taking this bumps those levels back up and thus reduces the negative effects of aging. This codeage nr supplement contains betaine which effects cellular metaboli...  Read More

Nr seems a good substitute, and i think that this particular formulation is rather potent. Great supplemental values and ingredients. No unnecessary ingredients.

The codeage nadh+ supplement includes 100mg of coq10 and a large dose of vitamin b12. Nr is a molecule our bodies make that does many things and sometimes changes to serve various functions. Is a coenzyme that is involved in every metabolic cellular p...  Read More


It feels like i wasted my precious money. Did not continue use and too late to return for refund.

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Easy to swallow and easy to use.

This seems to be a good quality nicotinamide riboside blend so far.

No unnecessary ingredientsquality: 5 starsmade in the usa cgmp fda registered facility.

So once again code age out did themselves imo with another unique blend that looks to be targeted for promising and impressive ...  Read More


The price also seems good for the amount of capsules.

Please don't ever shop supplements based on lowest price - there's no telling what you're getting in those.


The liposomal delivery system is supposed to make the nutrients more absorbable and effective.


They have a higher dose of nicotinamide riboside than most competitors.

3rd party tested for potency and purityvalue: 4 starsabove average value as compared to similar products on amazon.

This leads to nr being a better choice directly for nad+.

These have a substantial amount of nr in them compared to competitors, but they're also more expensive.


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    good, easy and cellular.
  • Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is high deception involved.
  • Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 14.9% of the reviews are reliable.
  • This product had a total of 41 reviews as of our last analysis date on Dec 21 2024.

Helpful InsightsBETA

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    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    This is a twomonth supply of 500 mg nicotinamide riboside capsules

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    Nr once advertised as a cheaper alternative to nmn got my attention after the whole discussion about a ban to nmn and thats the reason i decided to try this one out

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    I already had nmn built up in my body so i cannot comment on whether one should expect a buildup period with this one it took a couple of weeks originally for me to start feeling the effect of nmn

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    I have to say i am one of the people who is not happy with the nmn ban

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    But nr seems a good substitute and i think that this particular formulation is rather potent

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    That being said and given all the mistrust for nmn supplements i would have loved to see a thirdparty testing for any such product it would just make me feel better especially given the price increases in all such supplements

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    Like most supplements without a proper test idk if the benefits are happening

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    Im not sure if thats due to taking these but looking up all of the benefits the ingredients provide i wouldnt be surprised if it was because of whats in these

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