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Customers have had consistent and positive experiences with the reliability of the COLORCHARM Cream Hair Color Developer, trusting it as a dependable choice for their hair coloring needs. The brand's reputation holds up to its promise.
Value For Money
Customers are highly satisfied with the value for money they receive from this COLORCHARM Cream Hair Color Developer. They consistently describe it as being affordably priced and offering excellent quality.
Easy Mixing Process
Customers are highly satisfied with the easy mixing process of the COLORCHARM Cream Hair Developer, stating it mixes smoothly and well with various hair dyes for optimal results. The small size is also appreciated as it eliminates the need for a large bottle and makes storage easier.
Fast Application
Customers generally have positive feedback regarding the fast application of this COLORCHARM Cream Hair Color Developer. They mention that it works efficiently and goes on smoothly during the coloring process. However, some customers express disappointment with the small amount of product provided, which only lasts for one application in most cases.
I love that this works so well with the other colors that i have and makes it easy to bleach out roots and such.
I had a vivid darks color tube to use this with, they both worked very well together and my color turned out great.
It is recommended for the developer to be mixed 1:1 with the permanent dye which are 2oz tubes.
6oz bottle which is not exactly enough to be used twice.
All of which you can also find on amazon, at a great price.
That being said, it is very easy to use and it works great, not only that, but it is a great price!
For the price you only get one and a half applications!
It doesn't make sense and is pretty awful value for the money unless you really want to dilute your 30 vol developer for one ap... Read More
I typically use a different brand however, this one worked really well with my powder bleach.
It has a better scent than i've noticed from other developers of the same volume strength.
I rarely use any other brand and this specific product did not disappoint.
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color, great, vivid, mixed and easy. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is high deception involved.
- This product had a total of 86 reviews as of our last analysis date on Nov 10 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Get this with loreal blue bleach if your hair is dark 🌑
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It doesnt get my hair at platinum
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The wella colorcharm 30 volume cream developer is needed in order to use their vivid darks permanent cream color dyes
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It is recommended for the developer to be mixed 11 with the permanent dye which are 2oz tubes
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I feel like it would be better to either have a 2oz or a 4oz option
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Developer is ideally paired with the vivid darks cream color
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
If you have thick long hair like me youll require more than one 3
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