My girlfriend seems pleased with the results too ;)i wanted to mention that i think this book is good for beginners and pros alike.
To anyone interested in not only improving their sexual performance, but more importantly, improving the quality of their sexua... Read More
The tone of the book is also very positive, encouraging you to experiment and have fun with the content.
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Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
But reading about 101 awkward sex positions will not magically turn you into a sex god
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Luckily this book is not that
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Never thought id see a book on this subject that doesnt read like a shady mens health article
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Excellent illumination of a topic all too often shrouded in jargon confusion and downright incorrect information
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Not so with nat eliasons book
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
He does just that with this eyeopening book which is nothing short of a gospel for men with questions about sex
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I had already read some of nats articles before the book and some sections repeat that content but i expect that since its likely written for people not familiar with his blog posts