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Pros & Cons
The saw is sharp as a razor and the shape of the blade helps it cut. Teeth are angled to cut on draw towards me rather than when pushing away which harnesses arm strength much more effectively. This product stays sharp a long time considering the * i ... Read More
Used this to cut down 30 ft trees. Takes just a couple of passes for a 1 branch or shrub. Cuts thicker branches with ease.
Pruning saw is one of the most versatile for cutting soft or hardwood limbs. I was impressed by this little double edged saw.
Just buy it, you won't be disappointed. Own several. Pleasant to use. Love it.
Red handle makes it hard to lose. Good handle and ergonomic. I'm a 74 year old woman that is only 5’ and 105 lbs.
There is nothing i can standardize here, i know that.
This saw is made for cutting wood, and it will have no difficulty cutting into your hand.
This is a wonderful hand saw and very sharp.
I trimmed overgrown crape myrtles with 3-4” limbs very easily.
It must be the sharpest anything i've ever owned.
Good price to get the job done - pesky branches that need chopped off.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
sharp, good, through, happy and suburban. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 1,546 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jun 8 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
You need a good scabbard to protect the teeth when not in use
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Ive chosen to stay with this one
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Theres also a smaller folding version that does not need a scabbard
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Wear a leather glove on the hand you are not holding the saw with
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The grip is like a handshake the blade cuts to the purpose
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Branches up to 4” are cut in fractions of a minute
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It must be the sharpest anything ive ever owned
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I got sick of jerking around with chainsaws and just went simple
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