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Pros & Cons
The taste is nice and it really removes all the stains. The only downside is crest products use florida & as a rule stay away from it.
This toothpaste i think helps with whitening (more of a maintenance than actual changing color).
Brush 2 to 3 times daily and definitely before bed and you will notice a huge difference in the cleanliness of your teeth
Just easy and simple and the cap is used to stand.
The taste is nice and it really removes all the stains and every time i brush my teeth with it, my teeth look so much whiter.
This is a really great deal was simple and easy to order while already being on amazon will definitely do again
But these as gifts for my sons who are in their 20s great value will buy again
I got 2 tubes at a reasonable price.
The exact you’d get from the store for a much better price.
Arrived super quick and lasted a long time!
I like the taste of crest better than others.
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great, good and favorite. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there may be deception involved.
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- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 68.4% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 14,029 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jun 9 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The taste is nice and it really removes all the stains and every time i brush my teeth with it my teeth look so much whiter
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The flavor is super strong mint which i don’t care for
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Protects against stains it has the same strong mint flavor i don’t care for
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Its nice to send a two pack to him so he has it until he comes home for break
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The exact you’d get from the store for a much better price
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It definitely improved my teeth color but did not make them super white just one shade lighter
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Also you need to brush your teeth 68 months until you noticed these results
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
My teeth we’re getting very discolored because i consume a lot of coffee
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