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Pros & Cons
The crest 3d whitestrips sensitive kit is the only thing i can use when i need to whiten my teeth. They are easy to peel away from the packaging, stick to the teeth for treatment without sliding around and stay in place for the recommended 30 minutes.... Read More
These are extremely easy to use and do not cause any iteration. Easy to put on and take off. Key is consistency. Affordable and convenient.
These are fantastic. It does the trick for me. This way it's embedded in my daily routine and not taking additional time.
Took 2 tylenol 1300 mg total but still in pain. They’re still as fussy and bitter as the originals were 8-ish years ago. If anything, my teeth look whiter in the before photos than in the after photos.
Thus is my first time using any teeth whitener products and these strips work fast and my teeth are very white now!
The whitening process was quick and painless, with a very noticeable improvement about a week into the treatment.
I have extremely sensitive teeth and can’t even put the regular white strips on my gums because it will send shocking waves thr... Read More
This product does not cause me pain like normal whitening products
I was happy to get them at a great price!
I’m happy with this product overall especially for the sale price of $25.
It's a good value for your money and it saves you from paying high dental costs to whitten your teeth.
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sensitive, great, individual and regular. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 8411.
- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 2,665 reviews as of our last analysis date on Dec 14 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Started using it today dec 6
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Ill give an update in a couple of weeks on its effects
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The strips are a bit smaller than expected
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The top strip covers roughly the 10 visilble teeth and dont reach to the corners
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The bottom strip is even shorter
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
While the strips lap over the teeth they dont cover a lot on the inner part
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Noticed my teeth appeared yellow and felt a bit self conscious so i wanted to try whitening my teeth but was afraid of my teeth being too sensitive after multiple fillings
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Still should floss and brush teeth regularly and rinse mouth after eating or drinking something
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